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Macho Hembra
Have you read and do you agree with our facility policies?By clicking yes below you are agreeing to all facility policies and have also read, understand & agree to the Wild Bunch Athletics, LLC listed below. Refund Policy: Do to the nature of our service oriented business, there will not be any refunds given once a program registration deadline passes or a class session starts. All refunds given carry a $10 processing fee. Waiver of Liability: The Signature above signifies acceptance of the following waiver of liability. I acknowledge that Wild Bunch Athletics, LLC may compile address labels and list and may utilize any photographs of the named individual. I consent to the use of my name address and likeness and hereby waive all rights to compensation for their use in the promotion and / or operation of Wild Bunch Athletics, LLC. For and in consideration of our or my child’s participation in any leagues, practices, clinics, classes and encompassing any and all activities at Wild Bunch Athletics, LLC. I / We hereby release, acquit, forever discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless Wild Bunch Athletics, LLC, its officers, officials, coaches, employees representatives all league and tournament sponsors and their respective officers, directors and agents of and from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action, liability or injury or damage arising out of or in a way related to participation in any activities at Wild Bunch Athletics, LLC. We further certify that our child has our permission to participate in any and all activities at the Wild Bunch Athletics, LLC. In the event of injury or illness to our child we hereby grant authority to a qualified physician to render such medical treatment as said physician deems reasonable and necessary and we also accept responsibility for any expense incurred.
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